
  • 2020-09-11
  • Admin System


TEF App是2020越南線上教育展使用平台,使用者可至App商店下載Android版及ios版。本App讓觀展者與臺灣的大學代表可即時對接,容易下載、安裝,使用者用全名登入App,App主選單會列出參展大學,只要點選你有興趣的學校,便能一鍵連結至該學校,使用者就能線上立即與該學校代表聯繫與對話。

TEFapp is a virtual 2020 Taiwan Higher Education Fair platform for Vietnam. This TEFapp can be installed on Android phones and iPhones by downloading them from the app stores. This application works in real time to connect visitors/participants with representatives of universities in Taiwan who will register to attend the education fair. Users of this application can simply download, install, and log in to this application by simply writing their username, which is in fact their full name. In the application, you will see many booths from various universities attending the education fair. You just have to choose which university you want to contact and chat with. The menu also provides updated information about the university.